Author: Ryan Lallier - CEO, RepTivity @RLallier
We have all been there. End of quarter stress. Deals falling off the forecast like a lead balloon. Just when you think it couldn’t be any more frustrating, here comes the three day series of emails intended to motivate you when instead all they do is piss you off. Here is my list of emails managers should NEVER send and what they should do instead:
1. Emails containing motivational video clips – Please don’t send your sales reps video clips from Rocky, Rudy, Hoosiers or Remember the Titans. What purpose does this serve? Instead, what you should do is gather your team in a conference room and deliver the rally speech yourself. You are the leader. Why would you send Sylvester Stallone or Denzel Washington clips in place of what you were HIRED to do? In times of adversity leaders need to be vocal and present and not hiding behind email and sending empty messages.
E Emails containing quotes – Really? Another Vince Lombardi quote? That will definitely NOT motivate your sales team. Instead, come up with your own quote and deliver a message from the heart and gut. Don’t send this message via email. Walk out of your office and address your team publicly. While you’re at it, point out some recent achievements by your team or individual reps. For example: “Billy, I know this month has been tough but I appreciate you making 30 phone calls this morning and grinding it out for the team.” Again, no email.
<! Avoid anything negative – Don’t email the call report from the day before. When was the last time you made 65 cold calls in a day? Exactly. Instead, come out of your office and announce to the team that the person who creates the most sales opportunities in will receive a $100 AMEX gift card.
<! Never embarrass your team – Never make fun of, be negative of, discredit or belittle any single rep or sales team on an email. It’s cheap and a sign of insecurity. It is also the single fastest way to have your team turn on you and never trust you again. Instead, send out an email publicly acknowledging your team achievements and highlight specific individuals. Follow up this activity with a visit to each sales rep mentioned in your email and give each of them a pat on the back.
This article is not intended to be negative. I have seen way too many sales managers manage this way and it’s the perfect formula for team failure. Comments and ideas encouraged.