Wednesday, November 2, 2011

#1 Requirement for Hiring a New Sales Rep

Author: Ryan Lallier - CEO, RepTivity @RLallier

Every sales interview I've been on the same canned questions were asked of me. "Why did you leave that company?" "Tell me about the most complex deal you sold and why you won/loss?" "What drives you?" Blah, blah, blah!

My #1 question I ask a potential candidate is, "are you passionate?" The candidate will always come back with, "passionate regarding what?" I say, "passionate about this industry and the product we sell". 

Why is this so important to know? People overachieve and give 110% when they are passionate about what they do - period. Passion drives results. Passion drives the need for more knowledge. Passion is the fuel that cranks the sales engine. When you are passionate about what you sell, your pitch just flows and the customer hears it. You believe so they believe. 

Passionate employees are infectious and their great attitudes spread like wild fire. 

If you're sitting at your desk and selling a product for a company you're not passionate about, find a new job. You'll be happier, you'll make more money and your quality of life will thank you for it.

If you're a sales manager, ask my passion question during your next interview. I think you'll be surprised at the reaction and answer you get.